Last update - 10/10/2013
On November 2 and 3 2013. be held next Astroparty Varshets. Guests of the new edition will be:
Vladimir Bozhilov - PhD student at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Boryana Bontcheva, Valery Genkov, Volodya Velkov - AAS
George Latev, PhD student Institute of Astronomy, BAS
Dimitar Kokotanekov, Director Astronomy Observatory - Dimitrovgrad
John Kokotanekov - Astronomical Observatory in OP "Youth Center", Haskovo.
Last update-09/04/2013
Two planets appear in the September evening sky all month: Venus and Saturn.
Venus beams in the west at dusk, and sets roughly one and one-half hours after sunset in early September and two hours after the sun in late September (at mid-northern latitudes). Saturn shines in the southwest sky at nightfall and stays out about three hours after sunset in early September and about one and one-half hours after the sun by the month’s end.
Mars and Jupiter rise in the east a few to several hours hours before dawn throughout September. In early September, Jupiter rises more than 4 hours before the sun while Mars comes up about three hours before sunrise. By month’s end, Jupiter will rise around midnight (daylight-saving time) and Mars around 3 a.m. (daylight-saving time).
Last update - 08/20/2013
Blue Moon from dusk until dawn night of August 20, 2013. Yes, it’ll be a
Blue Moon that lights up the night sky on August 20-21 from dusk till dawn!
But it won’t be a Blue Moon by the most popular definition of the term – the
second of two full moons to occur in the same calendar month. Nor is the
moon likely to be blue in color, as that’s caused by exceedingly rare
atmospheric conditions. Rather, the August 2013 full moon will present the
third of four full moons to fall in the same season. A season is defined as
the period of time in between a solstice and an equinox – or vice versa.
This full moon is the third of four full moons to take place in between the
June 2013 solstice and the September 2013 equinox. That makes the August
2013 full moon a Blue Moon! The moon turns full on August 21, at 1:45
Universal Time. Although the full moon happens at the same moment worldwide,
the clock reads differently by time zone. The moon turns full in the United
States on Tuesday, August 20, at 9:45 p.m. EDT, 8:45 p.m. CDT, 7:45 p.m MDT
or 6:45 p.m. PDT.